Thursday, August 13, 2009

MOU Agreement with JeonNam Culture Industry Promotion Agency

Research Institute of Science for the Better Living of the Elderly agreed upon MOU with JeonNam Culture Industry Promotion Agency to develop and design functional game and silver contents industry on June 22. Both agencies will cooperate on research, idea exchange, and the negotiation of the issues involved with various developing contents for old persons. It is expected to contribute to the quality of life for old persons by technology.

The 4th WEAAD in Korea

Korean Information Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (KINPEA) and Japan INPEA
had co- worked the 4th WEAAD in Busan Korea. In this year, both two countries needed
to discussed the future direction of elder abuse in Asia Pacific. The ceremony was very successful.
From Japan, Prof. Toshio Tatara (Ph.D), Asia Representative of International Network
for the Prevention of Elder Abuse(INPEA), Shukutoku University Graduate School of Integrated Human and Social Welfare, Prof. Noriko Tsukada (Ph.D), Japan Representative of INPEA, Nihon University, Graduate School of Business in Tokyo, Chair for the INPEA Japanese Committee, Prof. Akiko Sasaki, Department of Community Health Nursing, Tokyo Medical School of Community Health Nursing in Tokyo, from Korea, Kyu-tak Sung , Chair-Professor of Michigan University in the US, Mi-hye Kim, Professor of Ewha Womans University Graduate School of Social Welfare, Dong Hee Han, Korea Representative of INPEA, Director of Research Institute of Science for the Better Living of the Elderly (RISBLE), Visiting Professor at Kosin University. Also there was special guest from USA, Ms Lisa Nereneberg, Consultant in elder abuse prevention. We would like to express all Participators and Korean professors who are researching and interest in elder abuse to take part in the ceremony.
The main purpose in this year was as follow;
1) To provide the insightful solution to intervene in the negative effects of elder abuse through sharing international concerns on the risk factors of elder abuse
2) To promote social advocacy for elder abuse among the members of society as well as
the elderly and get rid of social prejudice against older persons by replacing it with the
positive concept through the WEAAD ceremony, which has been held annually since
3) To develop common agenda for the prevention of elder abuse in the future through the
discussions between the representatives of International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), namely from Korea and Japan.
Also this event was reported to INPEA and introduce by DVD in the 4th WEAAD in 19th IAGG.

Visiting President ACAP Dr. Kathryn Braun and Dr. Ogawa Takeo

President Dr. Braun , Dr. Ogawa, Dr. Han and Dr. Conybeare discussed future direction ACAP. Also they met Korean Research Group of ACAP and some governors who understand Active Aging Mission in Korea. Especially Dr. Braun and Dr. Ogawa have supported to build Active Aging police in Korea. They’re also co-workers with RISBLE as international consultants. RISBLE will try to develop a good model of Active Aging continually. We are very appreciated sharing precious time in Korea

Visiting AABC and delegation from Fukuoka Japan

To share information and exchange programs of aging, AABC and delegation which were involved researchers, managers of facilities, and officer member visited RISBLE. With round traveling Namgu Busan Korea which RISBLE belongs, we could understand both of roles in future. We sincerely welcomed all of you.

Off-Line Meeting of Cyber Family between Kunkook Middle School Students from Japan and Wellaging Cyber Family

There were very glad and warm meeting in Wellageing. From 2007 being Cyber Family between older persons in Wellageing and Kunkook Middle School students who is Korean Japanese in Osaka Japan had met in Wellaging Center on March 16. They had a good time taking pictures and watching computer lessons by seniors. Some student called “ Harmoney” (Korean: Grandmother) and hug each other feeling the same nation. Older persons prepared very kind and strong expression where they are from and who they are. Kunkook students also had a good time in Youngho Middle School; they spent time with the same age group playing balleyball and basketball.

2009 Internet Navigators

RISBLE set up New Internet Navigators in 2009. In Wellageing Centers, Branch of RISBLE, they have lead information skill for older persons in Busan Korea.
New members will be shared their ability for community. They have practice the mission of Active Aging by digital aging. They will show the best cases how they apply the way of digital life for their social participation. This model is from peer group program and they have lead digital application in late life. Last Feb. 27, 2009, RISBLE had a big event to encourage their dreaming start of Internet Navigators in LG wellagieng center.