The event to mark the Second World Elder Abuse Awareness Day will be held on 11th of June in Busan, Korea. This is the second event following the first Korea World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June, 15, 2006. This year’s theme of the Second World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is “Moving Forward.” The event will include the celebration of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the workshop in the Busan Metropolitan City Hall. Ms. Alren Groh, Elder Abuse Restorative Justice Resource Consultant for the Elder Abuse Response Team, will make presentation during the workshop with the title, “Restorative Justice Approach for the Elder Abuse.” Restorative Approach offers the solution of elder abuse that is the closest to Korean culture and customs, and it can be applied to other family problems such as family violence or conflicts. It also aims to find practical solution to elder abuse around the world, bringing the victims, the wrongdoer, and their communities together for collaborative harmony. We also hope the event will help raise awareness across the countries.