As another year came to a close, RISBLE reflected upon what happened and how it endeavored to improve itself in face of a rapid aging society.
It began the year with the Internet Navigate Program, which made its first official opening in February with 20 elderly instructors. The program was designed to bridge of digital divide and practice digital aging in Korea. Following in March, the delegation consisted of the representatives of RISBLE and the Internet Navigate Instructors made a visit to AABC Center in Japan. The delegation participated in seminars to introduce the digital aging program in Korea and visited the elderly facilities in Fukuoka. To further promote its goal, RISBLE organized the educational training program, titled ‘Health Management and Re-designing Old Age through Health Website’ in association with the National Health Insurance Corporation in April. The leading national media KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) composed a documentary featuring the digital aging developed by RISBLE in May. Furthermore, the annual celebration of the 3rd World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was held on June 30. There was a special guest, Dr. Verna Scolfield, national president of New Zealand Gerontology Association. Also in September, the Korean delegation of ACAP composed of 33 members went to Shanghai to participate in the 4th Active Aging Conference in Asia Pacific. It was co worked with Shanghai International Aging Conference was filled with distinguished participants from UN, WHO, various national government agencies, academics, media, and the elderly people. At the same time, there was IT Busan Expo held in the BEXCO and the RISBLE participated in the Exhibition to promote Digital Aging in Korea. In October, the ‘2nd 1080 We’re Family Game Festival’ was held, which introduced the game as a new alternative to leisure activities for the elderly living in information era. Besides, Dr. Kathryn Braun, the professor of University of Hawaii and the president of ACAP, came to Busan along with her husband, Dr. Chris Conybeare, the professor of University of Hawaii and the professional journalist, added further support for promoting Active Aging in Korea. Two professors delivered a very valuable lecture to the government officials of social welfare in Busan. To encourage its own hard endeavors throughout the year, the RISBLE culminated the year 2008 with the 4th Meeting of Dementia Family in December. The event was co-organized with Kosin University and invited dementia families nationwide to share their stories and sympathize with others. In addition, the director of the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau Team visited the institute to observe the elderly welfare facilities in Namgu, Busan and discuss ideas for further cooperation with the RISBLE.
As always, RISBLE spent another meaningful and busy time in the year 2008 promoting the spirit of Active Aging with a new perspective, Digital Aging. This year, RISBLE pledges to continue its contribution to the creation of Active Aging society in Korea and throughout the world. Happy New Year!