Monday, June 30, 2008

The 3rd WEAAD in Korea

Korean Information Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (KINPEA) had ceremony the 3rd WEAAD in Busan Korea. In this year, there was also a big event by Ministry of Health Welfare and the National Elder Abuse Counseling Centers in Korea. It is very pleased that we all will be continually cerebrated every 15 June in every year in Korea.
The event that was hosted by KINPEA was special ceremony of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and the workshop with Dr. Verna Scolfield who is national president of New Zealand and Dr. Donghee Han who is national representative Korean INPEA. It was very meaningful time to compare situation of elder abuse issue both of societies. There were various audiences from police makers, reporters, researchers, practitioners, volunteers and older persons. There was participation, which includes not just the elderly but all members of other generations as well. There was declared right of human being for older person.
Meantime, Dr. Go Hyangshook who is KINPEA members took part in Ottawa WEAAD in 2008.

Education program for the elderly health promotion by ICT

RISBLE has conducted education program for the elderly health promotion by ICT with National Health Insurance Corporation. Particularly, the National Health Insurance Corporation has been leading role in promoting the 2008 Long-Term Care Insurance Service in Korea. Both of institution designed program to use of computer and to be empowered for older persons to get the right information by themselves at own their home. For 2 months, communication skill, exercise, information for health caring in late life, redesign later life, training ICT programs were main subject for older persons. RISBLE and NHIC will continually develop and deliver for older person to keep the healthy life in aging.